Friday, January 25, 2008

My In Utero Photos

Here is my previous blog post with my in utero photos.

Mommy and Daddy tried to get some pictures of me yesterday and interrupted my afternoon nap. I was not too happy and didn't cooperate at first.


I heard that Daddy doesn't like pictures much either. After Mommy moved around I became a little more cooperative.


This still wasn't good enough for them and they wouldn't leave me alone! There's not very much room to move around in here, but I moved a little bit more...



Then, I knew they meant business because Mommy drank a lot of ice cold water and I put my hands down and gave them a good picture of me.


Mommy and Daddy learned that I like to suck my thumb


and chew on my arm.


I sure hope they have some toys for me to play with.

Mommy and Daddy also learned that I have Mommy's mouth and Daddy's cheeks.


Mommy and Daddy were happy with their pictures and finally left me alone and I went back to sleep.


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